Renowned for its dark sky reserve, Idaho’s expansive skies and pristine natural landscapes make it the premier destination for stargazers and astronomy enthusiasts. With its low light pollution, Idaho offers unmatched opportunities to witness celestial phenomena. In 2025, there’s a lineup of spectacular events, from moon cycles, and eclipses, to rare planetary alignments. Here’s your guide to the year’s skywatching opportunities.
Moon Cycles
- January 13: Full Moon
- January 29: New Moon
- February 12: Full Moon
- February 27: New Moon
- March 14: Full Moon (see Eclipse section)
- March 29: New Moon
- April 12: Full Moon
- April 27: New Moon
- May 12: Full Moon
- May 26: New Moon
- June 11: Full Moon
- June 25: New Moon
- July 24: New Moon
- August 9: Full Moon
- August 23: New Moon
- September 7: Full Moon (see Eclipse section)
- September 21: New Moon
- October 6: Full Moon, Supermoon
- October 21: New Moon
- November 5: Full Moon, Supermoon (closest of the year)
- November 20: New Moon
- December 4: Full Moon, Supermoon
- December 19: New Moon
Supermoons, occurring in October, November, and December, will appear larger and brighter than usual. Don’t miss November 5, the closest supermoon of the year, which will fill the night sky.
Eclipse Seen From Idaho: March 14, Total Lunar Eclipse
On March 14th, a total lunar eclipse will be visible across the state. The start of totality will be at 12:26 am, and it will end at 1:31 am. During this time, the moon will take on a reddish hue, earning it the nickname “Blood Moon.”
Note, on September 7, there will be a total lunar eclipse that will not be seen from Idaho.
Milky Way Season: July to September
From July to September, the Milky Way will grace Idaho’s night skies. On nights when there is a new moon or close to one, stay up late or get up in the middle of the night to witness the spectacular Milky Way. If you’re interested in capturing the Milky Way, read our tips for shooting the night sky.
Meteor Showers
There are number of meteor showers to be aware of, below are two of the best ones for 2025.
August 12–13, Perseid Meteor Shower: The Perseids are one of the most popular meteor showers, known for their bright, fast streaks.
December 13–14, Geminid Meteor Shower: Often considered the best meteor shower of the year, the Geminids will shine brightly in 2025 thanks to a moonless night. Bundle up and prepare for a dazzling display.
Rare Planetary Alignments and Conjunctions
February 28, Planetary Alignment: For the first time in years, all seven of the solar system’s other planets will appear together in Earth’s skies. This rare alignment is a must-see event. Find a dark-sky location and bring binoculars or a telescope for the best views.
August 12, Jupiter-Venus Conjunction: Two of the brightest planets, Jupiter and Venus, will align closely in the night sky. This dazzling conjunction will be visible to the naked eye, offering a striking celestial display.